Coming in September - The Agency - DDD Inc.
My completed Office-style Conspiracy Techno-thriller is in editing and post-production for a September release. If you’re a fan of both workplace comedies like The Office and Better Off Ted and Conspiracy Thrillers like Mr. Robot and Sneakers, you will enjoy this off-beat thriller.
All subscribers of the newsletter (you guys) have the opportunity to become early readers! If you’re willing to give me some feedback on this book, click here to sign up to be a part of the ARC Team.
In exchange for the free early edition, you agree to read the book over the next two months and send any corrections or mistakes you find to help the final version to be as polished as possible. It’s been through two rounds of edits, but I’m sure there are still many things for you to help with. :)
Comment your own suggestion below
Interview with Brant from The Force of Magic
(For those of you who’ve read the Force of Magic and may be confused, Penelope Winter, is the main character from my other fantasy series, Dutopia)
Brant stands just outside the royal city of Dontain, near the military staging grounds He’s been waiting for a package from Jeroen for him to take to Karven. He was surprised when a request came from the Overlord for him to talk to the young girl standing in front of him. She’s dressed in simple traveling clothes and carrying a bag over one shoulder, as she holds a notebook and pen in front of her.
Penny: You don’t have to sit down if you’re more comfortable standing. I’ll try to be quick.
Brant: What’s this about?
Penny: I’m from the Academy of Information, we travel around the various realms gathering information for the archives. This is our first visit to Dontain. Your Overlord recommended I speak to a member of the Brotherhood and said you were available. Thank you for taking the time.
Brant: You saw the Overlord?
Penny: Briefly, I mostly dealt with someone on the Council, a Mr. Gammon.
Brant: I’ve never heard of an Academy of Information. You can ask me questions, but I’ll only answer if I choose and as soon as the package I’m waiting for comes, I’ll be leaving.
Penny: I wouldn’t have expected anything else. Can you tell me about the Brotherhood?
Brant: We protect and serve the Guild of the Helm. Some of our number are stationed here in the capital. I’m surprised you didn’t just talk with them.
Penny: You were specifically recommended to me. Do you know why that might be? Do you have a unique role in the Brotherhood.
Brant: I’m the main tracker, and I’m based out of the Darkholm Keep, which is the main fortress of the Guild.
Penny: What do you track?
Brant: Currently I’m tracking one man, and his associates.
Penny: One man, who’s that?
Brant: A criminal and a traitor.
Penny: Really? What’s his name? Maybe I’ve heard of him in my travels.
Brant: Tantem.
Penny: Sorry, doesn’t ring a bell. Have you been tracking him for long?
Brant: Months.
Penny: That long, and you’re the main tracker. He must be very elusive.
Brant: There are other factors you don’t understand. Look, here comes my package. My time is finished. If you hear of Tantem, send word to the Guild and be wary. He’s not to be trusted.
Free Books!
As always, I like to connect my readers with other Indie Authors who would love to have you check out there work. What does this mean? Most of the time, they’re happy to give you a free book or novella in exchange for having you try out their own writing. I know how many good books there are out there and it is a great honor to have any reader pick up my books. Check out some of the ones below if you’re up for seeing some of the creative talent that is out there.
Fantasy and Sci-fi favorites from a wide collection of Indie authors. Something for everyone!
This one is a bit of a genre blender, that’s a good fit for fans of dystopian YA fiction.
"The Agency" was a long read but well worth it. I did notice many little typos. When I copy-edit I make a samizdat copy, keystroke for keystroke...I'd copied about four-fifths of the e-book to a Word file, with things to check or change highlighted in Word's "Track Changes" system, when the computer I was using crashed. Sighhh. But I certainly will recommend it!