The Agency Launch Update
It’s just over a month since The Agency - DDD Inc. launched and this has been my best fiction release so far. It has a 4.7 star rating on 34 reviews in 34 days! Thank you for your support! If you’ve read it and haven’t left a review, you can do so here. If you haven’t read it yet, take a look at the reviews below to see why you should check it out. :)
Have you read Reamde? You should
I have two favorite authors in my favorite genre, the technothriller: Michael Crichton and Neal Stephenson. Reamde is a fairly recent release that I don’t hear many people talking about in this genre and it is a wild ride. Dealing with technology, geopolitics and ethics, this thriller spans the globe and leads to a surprising, but satisfying conclusion. If you like a good thriller that is a bit outside the box, you should check it out.
I solved Dutopia
I’m currently writing a fantasy novel in the genre that is often referred to as Cozy Fantasy. These are more low stakes fantasy novels that have an emphasis on humor and character development. The idea for Dutopia came to me and I knew I wanted to write a fantasy story like this, about a female investigator/reporter trying to uncover the real history of the mysterious Kingdom of Dutopia, but I wasn’t sure where the story should ultimately go.
This happens sometimes, when you have an idea, but it isn’t resolved when it pops into your head. Last week, while writing a recent chapter, it hit me. The perfect resolution for this fun story. It won’t be out in print until sometime late next year, but if you’re a US Amazon user, you can read it as it is being written here.
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
Another recommendation! On the cover of this series, you’ll see the proclamation, “Comparable to Tolkien at his best!” I wouldn’t go that far, but this oft forgotten series has some of the best world building in the genre. The author was one of the first in the fantasy genre to master the reluctant anti-hero story. A moment in this series inspired the ending of Book One of the Force of Magic and it is the reason I wanted white gold in my wedding ring. Start with the first series and if you enjoy it, there are a total of 10 books in this rich universe.
Free Fantasy Books!
Historical Fiction
Coming January 2024 - Across the Shining Sea
I started writing my first Historical Fiction book, The Crimson Plains, earlier this year. The story of my great grandfather’s immigration to America in the 1880s has been a blast to write and it’s looking like it will be a three book trilogy. The first book is scheduled for release in January of 2024, and it now has a title, Across the Shining Sea. Look for more info, including a cover reveal in the days ahead. Comment with your thoughts on this title.
Free Books
I’m a follower of Jesus Christ, but I don’t write “Christian Fiction” This is an intentional choice of my own. This month, I’ve joined with other writers from a similar perspective to give away free books to you, our readers. Click the pic below to take a look.