The Agency is Here!
It’s here! Today is release day for my new book, The Agency: DDD Inc. It’s a very unique work for me. If you’ve read my other books, you know I favor shorter chapters, but this one takes it to the extreme. It’s also my longest book, with over 200 chapters. It took the longest to write and half of the scary things I hinted at in the book seem to already be coming true. I’m curious to see how it ages.
But for right now, it’s the perfect book for the time we live in. A somewhat light-hearted look at the digital surveillance state and the censorship apparatus behind it. The Agency probably doesn’t exist, but it’s possible something very similar does.
This novel has many inspirations. The original idea came from C.S. Lewis’s book, The Screwtape Letters. Instead of conversations between demons, I imagined an organization behind the scenes that managed all of sketchy examples of technology spying on us.
From there, I wanted to create an office environment where there was some light-hearted banter and office politics, similar to comedies like Parks and Rec and The Office.
Finally, as the pressure builds, I was imagining movies like The Net and Enemy of the State. What I ended up with is something that is not any of these things, but borrows from all of them to produce a very different type of technothriller. I hope you’ll enjoy it. Don’t forget to pick it up today while it is still 40% off. Thanks for being my faithful readers!
After It’s Over - Free until September 10th
I didn’t set out to write novels. It was something I always dreamed of doing, but it was bit intimidating. Publishing my first non-fiction book back in 2020 opened the door to the idea, but it seemed too difficult to think about writing a complete novel. I’m a lifelong reader and appreciate the work and sacrifice of so many of the authors I’ve read.
That changed when in the midst of the Covid pandemic (October 2021), Amazon wrote all of their authors trying to entice us into writing on a new platform they were trying to grow. Kindle Vella allowed authors to publish their stories in a serial format, similar to the way authors like Charles Dickens used to many years ago. They would be marketed as episodes, similar to what a TV show might have.
I’d been writing articles on the pandemic, but was disturbed by the lack of skepticism shown towards government interference and control in the lives of people around the world. Too many lives damaged by disastrous policies to count, but most people didn’t seem like they were paying attention.
After It’s Over was my attempt to write a fictional story that imagined the worse possibly outcomes for government intervention. I didn’t know if anyone would read it, and for awhile, no one did. Then in January of 2022, it started to take off and in March it won a March Madness-style competition against a crowded field. Since then, many more people have read it, not only on Vella, but in other formats.
The first book in this saga was released in Paperback and on Kindle in September of 2022 and the sequel was published in the spring of the next year. To celebrate the launch of The Agency, I’m pleased to make the first book available for free download on Kindle for the next few days. It currently sets with a 4.5 star rating over 128 reviews on Amazon. If you’ve already read it, I would appreciate you spreading the word so more people can check it out.
Free Books
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All of my books are free with Kindle Unlimited. Click here to see if you’re eligible for a free trial. The books at the link below are free