After It’s Over/Before It Began Reboot
When I started writing my first novel, I made a decision to put it into the current timeline. I was writing from November 2021 until the end of 2022, and my story began in September of 2023. That was fun while it lasted, but once the actual calendar caught up, it just made things a little weird.
Over the last six months, I received several reviews and feedback from readers who were confused by the timeline and I considered if it would be worth making a change. Finally, I decided to rewrite both After It’s Over and it’s sequel, Before it Began to have a more generic timeline. I also was able to fix a few mistakes that made it through all the initial editing and revisions those books had before publication.
Now, the eBooks of both editions are the new and improved versions and to celebrate the launch of the reboot, I’m making the Kindle edition of After It’s Over free for the next five days! I would love for all of you to have the new edition. Just click here to order it between May 20-24. If you’ve already purchased the Kindle edition, it should be updated if you redownload it. Please share with others so they can pick up the book for free this week as well.
This month I’m putting the spotlight on some other Fantasy authors, who joined up with me for the following group promos. Click the two images below to get free copies and samples of some of the best indie fantasy novels out there.
Take an Indie Fantasy Adventure
Fabulous Fantasy or Magical Mystery? - It’s a Magical Mystery Tour of Indie Books!
Historical Fiction
A Gift From History
I’m currently writing the story of my ancestors immigration from Germany and France to ultimately settle on the plains of Oklahoma, tentatively titled The Crimson Plains.
My cousin heard about it and wanted to make a gift to me of this old German Bible that was given as a wedding gift to George and Dora Gantz on their wedding day in 1902. George is at the center of the story, even though he was only 3 when his family moved to America in 1883. It’s a beautiful old edition with artwork and a unique typesetting not commonly found today. US users can read a free preview of the beginning of the novel on Amazon’s Kindle Vella platform here.
Why I’m my own worst enemy
Sometimes, you just can’t help yourself. The further along on my writer journey I travel, the more I realize the mistakes I’ve made. One of the big one’s is that I don’t stick with one genre. I’m hoping you, my readers, will forgive the varied interests I have in writing across multiple genres. I love so many different genres of fiction that it seems painful to stick with just one. If you like my writing in one genre, I would be honored if you would try it in another, but I don’t expect it.
The other big mistake I keep making is posting things on social media which the big social media platforms don’t like. If I was acting solely in the self interest of my writing career, I would refrain from posting anything that criticizes the government, social media companies, Big Tech or Big Pharma, but I just can’t help myself. The main reason I got into writing was to write Truth in Fiction stories. I care deeply about the truth and I’m fairly careful about vetting the things I post, but that doesn’t mean it can’t face censorship. I’ve had to accept that I can’t be promoted on social media and still post memes that criticize or bites the hand the feeds me. Oh well, you guys found me and I hope others will in time.
Free Short Stories
Last but not least, I published one Short Story, The Third Door, and for the next few days, I’ve joined with other authors who are giving away their short stories and novellas. Click the pic below to download some great short reads.