After It's Over is Now Available!
Now Available in Print, Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
After nine months of writing to finish my first novel, After It’s Over, you might think the hard work is finished. WRONG! Revisions, editing, cover design, working with a promotion team. All of these things that limit your time doing what you really want to be doing, writing.
I took a two week break from writing both After It’s Over and The Force of Magic, but pushing through multiple revisions kept me busy up until the last day, trying to produce the best version of After It’s Over possible for my readers. Finally, just two days before launch, the manuscript was as complete as it was going to get.
This project is a true labor of love and I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. It is my pleasure to share it with you! Please share my book with others who you think will enjoy it, and remember reviews are the lifeblood that keeps books going. :)
Final Cover Reveal
This took a ton of work to get it just right, but I’m very happy with the final version. Some of you will get to hold it before I do. Let me know what you think!
Season 2 Has Begun!
Season 2 of After It’s Over started on September 7th and we’re already 4 episodes deep into the second part of this story. If you can’t wait for the print edition (Anticipated release - Spring 2023), you can read it as it is written on Kindle Vella. Below you’ll find an image from Season 2. Do you know what it could be?
What Happened to Shelly?
One of the most common questions my readers asked is what happened to Reece’s ex-girlfriend, Shelly. If you didn’t know, there is a short novella that answer’s that question. Available here.
Thanks Again!
It is honor to me that you would take the time to read my book. Thank you for your support. You are a blessing to me! Please share this newsletter with anyone you think might enjoy my writing. :)